- Throughout the trial, the prisoner insisted on his innocence.
- She brought a major change in the way her company designed its products.
- The doctor told me that I would have to go on a strict diet.
- These beliefs can in fact contribute to increasing their motivation in their struggle.
- Fathers take 33 percent of all leave days to care for a sick child when a caregiver is unavailable.
- He was sitting at the corner of the café, almost shaded to the point of darkness against the morning sun.
- The salesclerk asked if I was looking for anything in particular.
- Most basketball players are very tall, but he’s an exception to the rule; he’s short.
- The old hospital in London Road now serves as a place for the homeless.
- The phone was ringing but by the time she got indoors it had stopped.
- 在整个审判过程中,囚犯坚持自己是无辜的。
- 她带来了公司设计产品方式的重大改变。
- 医生告诉我,我必须严格遵守饮食。
- 这些信念实际上可以帮助他们在斗争中增强动力。
- 当照顾者无法提供帮助时,父亲请33%的假来照顾生病的孩子。
- 他坐在咖啡馆的角落,几乎被早晨的阳光照到的暗处遮住。
- 售货员问我是否在寻找特别的东西。
- 大多数篮球运动员都很高,但他是个例外;他很矮。
- 伦敦路的旧医院现在用作无家可归者的庇护所。
- 电话在响,但等她进屋时已经停止了。
- In certain cases its cells undergo changes, which in time can lead to cancer.
- According to the report released Wednesday, 75 percent of banks in the United States operate ATMs.
- Davis concluded from an analysis of traffic accidents that the speed limit should be lowered.
- In the last two decades, world production of electricity has roughly doubled, with the developing nations overtaking the developed.
- There was also an environmental objective—to maintain a proper balance between human needs and the natural environment.
- Some teachers were aware that they could now contribute to decision-making but still saw the principal deciding all the issues.
- The importance of these considerations again will vary from person to person, and from one society to another.
- Important competitions require proper preparation and adequate rest the night before.
- Sex education is a sensitive area for some parents, and thus it should remain optional.
- As parts of the world become uninhabitable, millions of people will try to migrate to more hospitable areas.
- 在某些情况下,它的细胞会经历变化,随着时间的推移可能导致癌症。
- 根据周三发布的报告,美国75%的银行运营自动取款机。
- 戴维斯通过分析交通事故得出结论,限速应该降低。
- 在过去的二十年里,世界电力生产大约翻了一番,发展中国家正在赶超发达国家。
- 还有一个环境目标——保持人类需求和自然环境之间的适当平衡。
- 一些教师意识到他们现在可以参与决策,但仍然看到校长决定所有问题。
- 这些考虑因素的重要性会因人而异,因社会而变化。
- 重要的比赛需要适当的准备和足够的休息。
- 性教育对一些家长来说是一个敏感领域,因此它应该保持可选状态。
- 随着世界某些地区变得不适宜居住,数百万人将试图迁移到更适宜的地区。